David Weinberger on Worthwile wrote an article which spoke directly to my heart. It´s about the difference between working from home, or go to an office everyday. In my momentary life situation I have both: One part of my agency is in Bielefeld, where I own an office, the other part is here in Cologne (by the way: we are looking for office rooms), it´s a homeoffice. Working from both has both side of the medal: one the one side it´s nice to cook in between, have an our of sleep during the day (I´ve never done that, but it comes to my mind, that it´s a nice possibility) or do your job at every time you want to. Especially very, very nice is the fact, that I´m able to stay with my girlfriend the whole day. But I sometimes miss the things I feel, when I´m in Bielefeld: I stand up in the morning and go to the office – on the way I fetch some bread and have breakfast in the office – someone already cook coffee – for lunch our team decides where to go – there´s „high-life“ the whole day, and the communication-ways are extremely short and effectively. In the evenings I sometimes stay until 23 o`clock – but it´s OK, because I somehow feel home, too. So, office life is very important for me, and I´m happy, that I can choose. It´s quite dangerous working from home, because you never no when to stop…;-)