
Scary: Deutsche Bahn and customer-services

So, unfortunately I wasn´t lively there, when Nico, Heiko, Björn, Michael and Phillip got a „meeting of a third kind“, I had to leave the train earlier – this would have been FUN! Nico had updated his Bahncard 25 to a Bahncard 50 which means, that he get´s 50% off of every ticket he buys. One has to know, that when you buy your travel-ticket online, one has to print it out, and for verification issues, one has to show the printed ticket along with your bahncard. Now, as said, Nico had updated his bahncard 25 to bc 50 AFTER buying his online ticket, so his verification number (printed on the bahncard and on the ticket) was different. On his first travel this fact didn´t´seem to be a problem – the conductor just called an office, and everything was ok. On his way back home, cards changed: the conductorress didn´t accept his ticket, and called the police..CALLED THE POLICE because of damn 17 EURO ticket…Nico had to leave the train earlier. I´m looking forward on how this story will go on. The conductorres didn´t actually know, that she got thw wrong persons: Nico Björn and Heiko are one of germanies most influent bloggers – I bet, this will gonna become a huge PR gau…

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