
Open Company Vol III

I´ve thought a lot about it in the last year but never executed: creating an open company. Now I´ve found the businessexperiment.com and I wonder if they will be able to do it. From the „about“:

The Business Experiment is a site meant to explore three concepts: wisdom of crowds, open-source business, and the distributed nature of work. The goal is to have the registered users of this site collectively start and run a real business. Business plans will be written. Financing will be sought (if needed). Employees will be hired. Systems of accountability will be put into place.

All major strategic decisions will be voted on by the registered users, and must be implemented by the employees. This will test to see if „the crowd“ is really wise or not. Who do we hire? The crowd will vote on the candidates. What is our marketing strategy? Vote on it. How do we price our product or service? Vote again. It could be cool, or it could be foolish. But either way, it’s definitely different.

As I´ve stated out in the past I really see some problems in it, mostly about getting organized „a-lot-of-people“ and keeping business informations secure. In case jobs go wrong: who is accountable?

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